The next group is the thousands. Say a number up to 999 followed by "thousand."
Finish by reading the hundreds when applicable: Millions
15,560 – fifteen thousand five hundred sixty
786,450 – seven hundred six thousand four hundred fifty
342,713 - three hundred forty-two thousand seven hundred thirteen
569,045 - five hundred sixty-nine thousand forty-five
For millions, say a number up to 999 followed by "million." Finish by saying first the
thousands and then the hundreds when applicable:
2,450,000 – two million four hundred fifty thousand
27,805,234 - twenty seven million eight hundred five thousands two hundred thirtyfour
934,700,000 – nine hundred thirty-four million seven hundred thousand
589,432,420 - five hundred eighty nine million four hundred thirty-two thousand four
hundred twenty.......
In English, we can say dates either with the day before the month, or the month
before the day:
“The first of January” / “January the first”
Remember to use ordinal numbers for dates in English:
The first, the second, the third, the fourth, the fifth, the twenty-second, the thirtyfirst etc.
2021-09-03 14:52:29A**
2021-09-04 09:54:45