词汇意义联想词源探究 "摘/拔/拔掉/抢夺/解救"说地道英语 pluck

时间: 2023-01-25 06:14:24 人气: 25 评论: 0

我从树上摘了一个橙子。我随口说出一个数字。小孩不停地拉扯着他妈妈的衣袖。 他拿起吉他拨动起琴弦来。 她拔掉了一根灰白头发。 她往上够了够,从树上摘下一个苹果。 姬蒂扯了扯自己的黑色棉裙。翻译这些句子,都可以用到一个地道的英语单词:pluck。 联想,拨动吉他, 摘水果,拔毛,修剪眉毛,等等,都有一个相同的动作。揪;拽;拉;抻,从水里救人上来,也有这个相同的动作。


pluck¹ / plʌk ; plʌk /
1. PULL STH 拉某物, [T] [written] to pull something quickly in order to remove it
• 揪,扯,拉:
 »pluck sth from / off etc sth
 »He plucked a couple of plastic bags from the roll.
 »Reaching up, she plucked an apple off the tree.
2. pluck your eyebrows, to make your EYEBROWS the shape you want, by pulling out some of the hairs
• 修拔眉毛
3. TAKE SB / STH AWAY 带走某人/某物, [T always + adv / prep] to take someone away from a place or situation that is dangerous or unpleasant in a quick and unexpected way
• 解救,拯救:
 »pluck sb / sth from / out of sth
 »Some refugee children were plucked out of the country in a number of mercy missions.
 »She was plucked from obscurity (=made suddenly famous) by a Hollywood film producer.
 »Three survivors were plucked to safety after being in the sea for 7 hours.
  在海上漂浮了 7 小时后,3 名幸存者获救。
4. CHICKEN , [T] to pull the feathers off a dead chicken or other bird before cooking it
• 拔(退)去〔死鸡或其他禽类〕的毛〔准备烹调〕
5. pluck up (the) courage (to do sth), to force yourself to be brave and do something you are afraid of doing
• 鼓起勇气(做某事),振作精神(做某事):
 »He finally plucked up enough courage to ask her out.
6. MUSIC 音乐, [I,T] to pull the strings of a musical instrument
• 拨(弦),弹奏:
▪ [+ at ]
 »Someone was plucking at the strings of an old guitar.
7. pluck sth out of the air also pluck something out of thin air, to say or suggest a number, name etc that you have just thought of, without thinking about it carefully
• 随口说出〔一个数字、名字等〕:
 »I'm plucking a figure out of the air here, but let's say it'll cost about $15,000.
  我只是随口说一个数字,比如说这要大约 15,000 美元。


pluck at sth
• to pull something quickly several times with your fingers, especially because you are nervous or to attract attention
• 〔用手指〕猛揪(拉,扯):
 »Kitty's hands plucked at her black cotton skirt.
 »The little boy plucked at her sleeve.

noun [U] [old-fashioned]
1. courage and determination
• 勇气,果敢:
 »It takes a lot of pluck to stand up to a bully.

pluck / plʌk / verbHAIR 毛发
1. [VN] ~ sth (out) to pull out hairs with your fingers or with tweezers
   She plucked out a grey hair.
   expertly plucked eyebrows
2. [VN] to pull the feathers off a dead bird, for example a chicken, in order to prepare it for cooking
3. (NAmE also pick) to play a musical instrument, especially a guitar , by pulling the strings with your fingers
   to pluck the strings of a violin
   He took the guitar and plucked at the strings.
4. [VN] ~ sb (from sth) to remove sb from a place or situation, especially six that is unpleasant or dangerous
   Police plucked a drowning girl from the river yesterday.
   Survivors of the wreck were plucked to safety by a helicopter.
   She was plucked from obscurity to instant stardom.
5. [VN] ~ sth (from sth) to take hold of sth and remove it by pulling it
   He plucked the wallet from the man's grasp.
6. [VN] ~ sth (from sth) (old-fashioned) or
   to pick a fruit, flower, etc. from where it is growing
   I plucked an orange from the tree.
pluck sth out of the 'air
   to say a name, number, etc. without thinking about it, especially in answer to a question
   I just plucked a figure out of the air and said : 'Would £1 000 seem reasonable to you?'
   我随口说出一个数字问道:"你看 1 000 英镑合适吗?"
pluck up (the) 'courage (to do sth)
   to make yourself do sth even though you are afraid to do it
   I finally plucked up the courage to ask her for a date.
'pluck at sth
   to hold sth with the fingers and pull it gently, especially more than once
   SYN  tug :
   The child kept plucking at his mother's sleeve.
  (figurative) The wind plucked at my jacket.
   风不时地吹动着我的上衣。 noun [U]
   (informal) courage and determination
   It takes a lot of pluck to do what she did.

Etymology: Middle English plucken, from Old English pluccian; akin to Middle Dutch plucken, plocken to pluck, Middle High German pflücken, pflocken; all probably from a prehistoric West Germanic word borrowed from (assumed) Vulgar Latin piluccare to pick, clean — more at plush

词汇联想 英语单词 pluck 拽拉 地道英语
