词汇意义联想词源探究 "诽谤/诋譭"说地道英语 slur

时间: 2023-01-25 08:10:46 人气: 23 评论: 0

她竟敢对他的人品加以诋譭。 米尔顿把她的话看作是对他祖国的诋毁。她竟敢诽谤我的人格?那些评论诋毁了她的人格。这些中文句子的翻译,都可以用到一个词语:slur.

slur 既可以是一个动词,也可以是一个名词。基本含义是:诽谤;诋譭;污辱;含混不清地说话(通常因醉酒或疲劳)。


slur¹ / slɚ ; slɜː /
verb slurred, slurring
1. [I,T] to speak unclearly without separating your words or sounds correctly
• 含糊不清地说话:
 »slur your words / speech
 »She was slurring her words as if she was drunk.
 »His voice sounded slurred.
2. [T] to criticize someone or something unfairly
• 诽谤,诋毁
3. [T] to play a group of musical notes smoothly together
• 连奏

noun [C]
1. an unfair criticism that is intended to make people dislike someone or something
• 诋毁,诽谤:
▪ [+ on / against ]
 »Milton regarded her comment as a slur on his country.
 »How dare she cast a slur on (=criticize) my character?
 »a racist slur
2. [technical] a curved line written over musical notes to show they must be played together smoothly
• 〔标于乐谱音符上的〕连奏线 

 /ˈslɚ/  verb  , slurs, slurred, slur·ring
  1 a [  + obj  ] : to say (something) in an unclear way especially because you are drunk or tired
   She was slurring her words.
   His speech was slurred.
  1 b [  no obj  ] of speech : to become unclear especially because you are drunk or tired
   His speech/words slurred as he got drunker
  2 [  + obj  ] : to say critical and unfair things about (someone or someone's character)
   They tried to slur him by lying about his war record.
   They tried to slur his character/reputation.
  3 [  + obj  ] music : to sing or play musical notes so that each one runs smoothly into the next one
  noun  ,  pl   slurs [  count  ]
  1 : an insulting remark about someone or someone's character
   a racial/ethnic slur [=an insult based on someone's race/ethnicity]
  2 music : a symbol in music that is used to show that notes are to be sung or played smoothly with no break in between them 

She had dared to cast a slur on his character.
(especially NAmE) The crowd started throwing bottles and shouting racial slurs.

She had drunk too much and her speech was slurred.

slur 搭配和用法
racial, racist, sexist, sexual 

The comments cast a slur on her character. 

~ against/on 
The joke was seen as a slur against the mentally ill. 
a slur on his good name 

词汇联想 英语单词 slur 含糊不清地说话 地道英语
