词汇学习 英语单词bum "闲荡,漫游" 怎么说地道英语

时间: 2023-01-23 21:49:18 人气: 17 评论: 0

“流浪乞丐;无业游民懒汉;海滨流浪汉;游手好闲者赶走某人;被撵走;观众;提出要;乞讨;使不安;使灰心......”, 这些意义的表达,都可以和一个单词有关:bum

bum / bʌm / noun (informal)
1. (BrE) the part of the body that you sit on
   SYN  backside , behind , bottom
2. (especially NAmE) a person who has no home or job and who asks other people for money or food
   a beach bum (= sb who spends all their time on the beach, without having a job)
3. a lazy person who does nothing for other people or for society
   He's nothing but a no-good bum!
bums on 'seats
   (BrE, informal) used to refer to the number of people who attend a show, talk, etc., especially when emphasizing the need or desire to attract a large number
   They're not bothered about attracting the right audience—they just want bums on seats.
give sb / get the ˌbum's 'rush    (informal, especially NAmE) to force sb / be forced to leave a place quickly
   He was soon given the bum's rush from the club.
   他很快从俱乐部里被撵了出来。 verb (-mm-) [VN]
1. ~ sth (off sb) (informal) to get sth from sb by asking
   SYN  cadge :
   Can I bum a cigarette off you?
2. ~ sb (out) (NAmE, informal) to make sb feel upset or disappointed
ˌbum a'round / a'bout (informal)
   to travel around or spend your time with no particular plans
   He bummed around the world for a year.
   他在世界各地浪游了一年。 adjective [only before noun]
   (informal) of bad quality; wrong or useless
   He didn't play six bum note.
   a bum deal (= a situation where you do not get what you deserve or have paid for)


bum¹ / bʌm ; bʌm /
noun [C] [informal]
1. [BrE] the part of your body that you sit on
• 屁股;
【SYN】 bottom
2. [AmE] someone, especially a man, who has no home or job, and who asks people for money
• 流浪乞丐,无业游民〔尤指男子〕
3. beach / ski etc bum, someone who spends all their time on the beach, SKIING etc without having a job
• 迷恋于海滨/滑雪等的无业者
4. someone who is very lazy
• 懒鬼
5. get / put bums on seats, [BrE informal] to make a large number of people go to see a film, play, sports match etc
• 叫座,卖座:
 »She's the kind of star who will put bums on seats.

verb bummed, bumming [T] [BrE informal]
1. to ask someone for something such as money, food, or cigarettes
• 讨,乞讨;
【SYN】 cadge
 »She bummed a little cash off me.


bum around [informal]
1. also bum about to spend time lazily doing nothing
• 游手好闲,游荡
2. bum around sth, to travel around, living very cheaply, without having any plans
• 浪荡,漫游:
 »He spent a year bumming around Australia.

adj [only before noun] [informal]
1. bad and useless
• 蹩脚的,毫无用处的:
 »The orchestra was excellent. No one played a bum note.
 »Jim got a bum deal (=unfair treatment) .
2. a bum ankle / leg etc, [AmE] an injured ANKLE , leg etc
• 受伤的脚踝/腿等 


bum 搭配用法


1. person’s bottom 屁股

[搭配]VERB + BUM

feel, pinch
A man pinched her bum on the train so she hit him. 在火车上有人捏她屁股,她打了那人。

sit on
They’ve been sitting on their bums all day, doing nothing. 他们一整天就那么坐着,什么事都没做。

2. lazy/useless person 懒人;无用的人

[搭配]ADJ.low-down, no-good


He dropped out of college and became a beach bum. 他从大学退学,整天在海滩闲逛。

词汇联想 英语单词 bum 漫游 地道英语
