Country Wedding in Denmark 丹麦的乡村婚礼 选自《英语精彩阅读350篇》

时间: 2022-02-28 11:47:46 人气: 5 评论: 0

Country Wedding in Denmark 丹麦的乡村婚礼
The country weddings in Denmark are also characterized by local convention. Until recently, a Danish country wedding was an event which concerned all who lived in the surrounding district. Everyone was invited to celebrate with the young couple. Preparations for the wedding lasted for many days. A t the conclusion of the ceremony a large jar of beer was taken to the courtyard. The hands of the betrothed were joined over the jar and it was smashed into pieces . These pieces were picked up by the girls of marriageable age who were present, the girl with the largest piece being destined to marry first, the girl with the smallest being fated to remain a spinster.

丹麦的乡村婚礼也带有当地的传统色彩 直到近年来丹麦的乡村婚礼还是一件关系到全村所有人的大事每位村民都会受到邀请参加婚礼 而婚礼的筹办要持续很多天 在仪式快要结束的时候 人们将一大缸啤酒搬进院子新郎新娘手握手放在酒缸上接下来酒缸被砸碎这些碎片由在场的适婚女子捡起据说捡到最大碎片的姑娘注定将第一个结婚 而捡到最小块的姑娘将一辈子嫁不出去

characterize   v … … 为特点

convention   n 习俗 惯例

betrothed   n 已订婚的

smash     v 打碎 粉碎

destine   v 命中注定

spinster   n 老处女


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