Eileen Chang张爱玲作品-倾城之恋-英语翻译Love In A Fallen City

时间: 2022-01-22 10:47:07 人气: 87 评论: 0

张爱玲作品《倾城之恋》的英语翻译Love In A Fallen City
Eileen Chang
Eileen Chang is one of the great writers of twentieth-century China, where she enjoys a passionate following both on the mainland and in Taiwan. At the heart of Chang's achievement is her short fiction—tales of love, longing, and the shifting and endlessly treacherous shoals of family life. Written when she was still in her twenties, these extraordinary stories combine an unsettled, probing, utterly contemporary sensibility, keenly alert to sexual politics and psychological ambiguity, with an intense lyricism that echoes the classics of Chinese literature. Love in a Fallen City, the first collection in English of this dazzling body of work, introduces readers to the stark and glamorous vision of a modern master. 


张爱玲是二十世纪中国最伟大的作家之一,她在大陆和台湾都享有狂热的追随者。 张的成就的核心是她的短篇小说——关于爱情、渴望以及家庭生活中不断变化和无休止的危险浅滩的故事。 这些非凡的故事写于她二十多岁的时候,结合了一种不安、探索、完全当代的情感,对性政治和心理模糊的敏锐警觉,以及与中国文学经典相呼应的强烈抒情。 《倾城之恋》是这部令人眼花缭乱的作品的第一部英文合集,向读者介绍了现代大师的鲜明而迷人的视野。

张爱玲 倾城之恋 翻译 Love In A 英语
