三个单词的动词短语 Three-part Phrasal Verbs in English 动词副词介词短语

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三个单词的动词短语 Three-part Phrasal Verbs in English 

作为英语学生你是否正在努力记住短语动词?短语动词由一个动词和一个助词(介词或副词)组成。 但是,有一小组动词短语由一个动词和两个助词组成。 它们被称为三部分短语动词/三单词组成的短语动词。这里列出了 27 个及其定义和例句,以帮助你将英语提高到更高的水平。

Check up on

英语释义: When someone is investigating and trying to find out what you are doing we can say that they are checking up on you, especially if they want to make sure that you’re doing what you said you’d be doing.


  • When we were kids, our mum would always check up on us at night to make sure we’re sleeping.
  • The police are checking up on what the Smiths have around their house hoping to find some clues about the burglars.

Catch up with

英语释义: When you don’t see someone for some time you usually exchange the news with them when you meet again. 


  • Hi Lucy. Long time no see. I’m in a hurry but I promise to catch up with you later!
  • Now when the summer holiday is over, we are having a lot of catching up with our school friends.

Come down with

英语释义: If you come down with something, then it’s probably an illness.


  • I’m afraid I won’t be able to come to work today. I think I’m coming down with the flu.
  • My son has come down with a strange rash so I’m taking him to the doctor.

Come up with

英语释义: If you come up with something, you thought of something new such as an idea or a plan.


  • Hopefully, scientists will come up with a solution for climate change.
  • I’ve come up with a great idea for our marketing campaign.

Cut down on

英语释义: If you cut down on something, you reduce the amount of it.


  • If you want to lose weight you have to cut down on sugary foods.
  • You would have better marks at school if you cut down on playing video games.

Drop out of

英语释义: to leave an activity, school or similar before you have finished it.


  • Sara decided to drop out of college when she got pregnant.
  • The athlete dropped out of a marathon race because of an injury.

Feel up to

英语释义:  If you feel up to something, or more commonly don’t feel up to something, then you don’t have enough energy to do it.


  • I’m so tired. I don’t feel up to going out tonight. I’d rather stay at home and watch TV.
  • I suggest we visit grandma later today when she’s feeling up to having visitors.

Fit in with

英语释义: If you fit in with something or someone, then you match or harmonize with them.


  • Stuart fits in very well with other flatmates.
  • Mary and Paul got back home from abroad because they couldn’t fit in with the new environment.

Get along with

英语释义: If you get along with someone, then you have a friendly relationship.


  • Peter gets along with his nephew. They play golf and do all kinds of other activities together.
  • Miriam doesn’t get along with her boss. She’s thinking of getting a new job.

Get away with

英语释义: If you get away with something, then you manage to avoid being punished for something bad you did.


  • You must have paid for the parking spot. You couldn’t expect to get away with it without being fined.
  • I can’t believe that they broke the law and got away with it.

Get on with

英语释义: If you get on with someone, it means that you are on friendly terms.


  • get on with my neighbours. They look after our cats and water the plants when we’re away.
  • Brian’s never got on with that boy. They had a fight, you know. 

Get rid of

英语释义: to throw away or remove something you no longer need.


  • We’re tidying up the attic. There are so many things I want to get rid of.
  • Why don’t you get rid of that old tennis racket? It’s totally useless.

Get round to

英语释义; to find time to do something.


  • I was going to clean the yard but I somehow never get round to it
  • Sorry, I was so busy today; I didn’t know how to get around to giving you a call.

Go in for

英语释义: If you go in for something, then you participate in an activity.


  • went in for swimming all summer and now I feel very healthy.
  • Ryan is going in for an exam tomorrow.

Go through with

英语释义: to do something you had planned or promised to do despite difficulties.


  • Well, it was my idea to drive Tamsin to the airport so I guess I’ll have to go through with it despite the bad weather.
  • Anne decided not to marry James after all. She wasn’t sure about her feelings so she couldn’t go through with it.

Grow out of

英语释义: to stop doing something you used to because you are more mature.


  • Mary wanted to be an actress when she was a teenager but later on, she grew out of the idea and became a lawyer.
  • Most children grow out of their tantrums sooner or later.

Keep up with

英语释义: to try to stay on the same level with someone or something.


  • It isn’t easy to keep up with the technology nowadays because it is developing so fast.
  • Ryan was trying to walk faster in order to keep up with the rest of the people marching.

Live up to

英语释义: if you live up to something, then you do what you are expected or promised to do.


  • The book Mary read lived up to her expectations. She enjoyed every moment of reading it.
  • The food in the restaurant was too expensive and didn’t live up to our expectations.

Look down on

英语释义: If you look down on someone, you think that you are better than they are.


  • You should never look down on people who speak English with an accent. It means that they speak more than one language.
  • When he got promoted, Greg started looking down on his colleagues.

Look forward to

英语释义: if you look forward to something, it means that you’re excited about it and can’t wait for it to happen.


  • I’m looking forward to Christmas. All family will gather and we won’t be working.
  • I’m looking forward to your visit. We have a lot to catch up on.

Look up to

英语释义: if you look up to someone, you respect and admire them.


  • Lucy was an excellent student and many of her colleagues were looking up to her.
  • When I was little, I looked up to famous football players because I wanted to be one.

Own up to

英语释义: If you own up to something, you admit that you did something wrong.


  • He was suspected of breaking into the shop but he never owned up to it.
  • You should have the courage to own up to your mistake.

Put up with

英语释义: if you put up with something, then you are patient and tolerate something unpleasant.


  • How do you put up with your new neighbours? I’ve heard they are very loud.
  • I don’t understand how you can put up with your stressful job.

Run out of

英语释义: If you run out of something, you spent all the supplies.


  • I hope there is a gasoline station nearby because we’re running out of gasoline.
  • We’ve run out of coffee. Will you put it on the shopping list, please?

Stand up for

英语释义: If you stand up for something or someone, then you support them, especially when they are attacked.


  • My father taught me to always stand up for my friends and family.
  • You should learn to stand up for yourself.

Think back on

英语释义: If you think back on something, then you remember something from the past.


  • I always feel bittersweet when I think back on our childhood. Why can’t we live so carefree now?
  • I met Katie today which made me think back on our school days.


Walk out on

英语释义: to leave someone or something.


  • Sean’s father walked out on him and his mother when he was little. 
  • You can’t walk out on the project now. We’re in the middle of working on it.


  • The children never owned up to breaking the window, 
  • The children never owned up to break the window.


  • came up a great idea with 


  • came up with a great idea. 


英语 短语 英语动词短语 三单词 词组
