学地道的英语 猪油怎么翻译成英语 lard

时间: 2022-03-20 11:37:24 人气: 13 评论: 0

如果要你翻译这段话,你能翻译出来吗?“猪油是以前餐桌上经常出现的食物,但在现代人眼中却变成导致心血管疾病的“元凶”,原因和饱和脂肪酸有关。猪油真的是心血管病的元凶吗?”,仅仅参考谷歌的部分翻译“Lard is a common food on the table in the past, but is it really the culprit of cardiovascular disease?”, 这个翻译到底准确吗?请同学们在下面给出评论。food是可以作为可数名词,也可以作为不可数名词。



lard¹ / lɑrd ; lɑːd /
noun [U]
1. white fat from pigs that is used in cooking
• 猪油

verb [T]
1. to put small pieces of BACON onto meat before cooking it
• 〔烹调前〕把小块腌肉片铺在〔其他肉〕上


lard sth with
• to include a lot of something, especially something that is not necessary, in a speech, piece of writing, plan etc
• 在〔讲话、文章、计划等〕中大量使用(穿插)〔某类词语〕〔尤指没有必要这样做〕:
 »a speech larded with Biblical quotations

lard / lɑːd; NAmE lɑːrd / noun [U]
   a firm white substance made from the melted fat of pigs that is used in cooking
   (烹调用的)猪油verb [VN]
   to put small pieces of fat on or into sth before cooking it
'lard sth with sth [usually passive] (often disapproving)
   to include a lot of a particular kind of word or expressions in a speech or in a piece of writing
   His conversation was larded with Russian proverbs.

地道英语 猪油翻译 lard 夹杂大量 大量穿插
