2022年加拿大动作惊悚片《偷蒙拐骗》BD中英双字 Death Pursuit Bullet Proof 看英语电影学会英语

时间: 2022-09-08 08:58:04 人气: 11 评论: 0


◎译  名 Death Pursuit
◎片  名 Bullet Proof
◎年  代 2022
◎产  地 加拿大
◎类  别 动作/惊悚
◎语  言 英语
◎字  幕 中英双字幕
◎上映日期 2022-04-08(波兰)/2022-08-19(加拿大)
◎文件格式 x264 + ACC
◎视频尺寸 1920 x 1080
◎文件大小 1322 MB
◎片  长 90 Mins
◎导  演 James D. Clayton
◎主  演 维尼·琼斯
      Philip Granger
◎简  介

Vinnie Jones (Snatch) plays Temple, a sadistic mob boss, in this gritty, white-knuckle action ride. 

  • After stealing millions in cash from sadistic mob boss Temple's drug-dealing hideout, a thief finds a stowaway in his getaway car: Temple's pregnant wife, Mia. Desperate to reclaim his cash, and his unborn son, Temple sends out a squad of hit men and bounty hunters to bring in Mia and the thief. Speed, cleverness, and good aim give the duo a brief advantage, but how long will their luck hold out?



gritty / ˈgriti / adjective1. containing or like grit
   a layer of gritty dust
2. showing the courage and determination to continue doing sth difficult or unpleasant
   gritty determination
   a gritty performance from the British player
3. showing sth unpleasant as it really is
   a gritty description of urban violence
   gritty realism
see also nitty-gritty
grit·tily adv.
grit·ti·ness noun [U]


adj [only before noun]
1. a white-knuckle ride at a FAIRGROUND makes you feel excited and afraid at the same time
• 〔乘坐游乐园装置〕紧张刺激的 


sadistic / səˈdɪstɪk ; səˈdɪstɪk /
1. cruel and enjoying making other people suffer
• 施虐狂的;
--› masochistic :
 »He took sadistic pleasure in humiliating her.
 »sadistic fantasies
sadistically / -klɪ ; -kli / adv. 

stow·away / ˈstəuəwei; NAmE ˈstou- / noun   a person who hides in a ship or plane before it leaves, in order to travel without paying or being seen

stowaway / ˈstoəˌwe ; ˈstəʊəweɪ /
noun [C]
1. someone who hides on a vehicle in order to travel secretly or to avoid paying
• 无票偷乘者; 偷渡者 

电影 外语 惊悚片 动作片 英语大片
