Hold的名词用法 掌握地道的英语表达 精准使用地道的英语名词

时间: 2022-03-16 07:31:27 人气: 51 评论: 0


1. HOLDING STH 拿住某物, [sing.] the action of holding something with your hands
• 抓住,拿住,握住;
【SYN】 grip
 »tight / firm hold (on sth)
 »tighten your hold (on sth)
 »loosen / release your hold (on sth)
 »have / keep hold of sth ( = be holding something )
 »get / take hold of sth ( = start holding something )
 »catch / grab / seize hold of sth ( = take hold of something quickly and firmly )
 »lose your hold (on sth) ( = accidentally let go of something )
▪ [+ on ]
 »She released her tight hold on the dog.
 »He tightened his hold , refusing to let her go.
 »Make sure you keep hold of my hand when we cross the road.
 »I took hold of her hand and gently led her away.
 »Grab hold of the rope and pull yourself up.
2. get hold of sth also get a hold of sth, [AmE] to find or borrow something so that you can use it
• 找(借)来某物:
 »I need to get hold of a car.
 »She managed to get a hold of a copy.
3. get hold of sb also get a hold of sb, [AmE] to find and speak to someone about something
• 找到某人,联系上某人:
 »I must get hold of Vanessa to see if she can babysit.
4. CONTROL / POWER 控制/力量, [sing.] control, power, or influence over something or someone
• 控制,影响:
 »get / keep a hold on / of sth
 »He struggled to get a hold of his emotions.
 »I've always kept a tight hold on our finances.
 »I realized that the woman had a hold over my father.
5. on hold
a. if something is on hold, it is going to be done or dealt with at a later date rather than now
• 推迟,使延期,搁置:
 »The plans are on hold until after the election.
 »Since having the kids, my career has been put on hold .
b. if you are on hold, you are waiting to talk to someone on the telephone
• 等着通电话:
 »We try not to keep people on hold for more than a couple of minutes.
 »The agent put me on hold while she consulted a colleague.
6. take (a) hold, to start to have a definite effect
• 开始起作用,产生影响:
 »The fever was beginning to take hold.
7. get hold of an idea / an impression / a story etc, to learn or begin to believe something
• 得到(开始相信)某个想法/印象/说法等:
 »Where on earth did you get hold of that idea?
8. FIGHT 打斗, [C] a particular position that you hold an opponent in, in a fight or a sport such as WRESTLING
• 〔摔跤等运动中的〕擒拿技法
9. CLIMBING 攀爬, [C] somewhere you can put your hands or feet to help you climb something
• 支撑点; 落脚点〔指攀爬时供手攀、脚踩之处〕:
 »The cliff was steep and it was difficult to find a hold.
10. SHIP 船只, [C] the part of a ship below the DECK¹ (1) where goods are stored
• 底舱,货舱
11. no holds barred, when there are no rules or limits on what you are allowed to do
• 无规则(无限制)的,为所欲为的:
 »It seems there are no holds barred when it comes to making a profit.

1. [sing., U] the action of holding sb / sth; the way you are holding sb / sth
   SYN  grip :
   His hold on her arm tightened.
   She tried to keep hold of the child's hand.
   Make sure you've got a steady hold on the camera.
2. [C] a particular way of holding sb, especially in a sport such as wrestling or in a fight
   The wrestler put his opponent into a head hold.
3. [sing.] ~ (on / over sb / sth) influence, power or control over sb / sth
   What she knew about his past gave her a hold over him.
   He struggled to get a hold of his anger.
see also stranglehold
4. [C] a place where you can put your hands or feet when climbing
see also foothold , handhold , toehold
5. [C] the part of a ship or plane where the goods being carried are stored
catch, get, grab, take, etc. (a) 'hold of sb / sth
   to have or take sb / sth in your hands
   He caught hold of her wrists so she couldn't get away.
   Lee got hold of the dog by its collar.
   Quick, grab a hold of that rope.
   Gently, she took hold of the door handle and turned it.
get 'hold of sb
   to contact or find sb
   Where have you been? I've been trying to get hold of you all day.
get 'hold of sth
1. to find sth that you want or need
   I need to get hold of Tom's address.
   It's almost impossible to get hold of tickets for the final.
2. to learn or understand sth
ˌno ˌholds 'barred
   with no rules or limits on what sb is allowed to do
on 'hold
1. delayed until a later time or date
   She put her career on hold to have a baby.
   The project is on hold until more money is available.
2. if a person on the telephone is put on hold, they have to wait until the person that they want to talk to is free
take (a) 'hold
   to begin to have complete control over sb / sth; to become very strong
   Panic took hold of him and he couldn't move.
   They got out of the house just before the flames took hold.
   It is best to treat the disease early before it takes a hold.
more at wrong adj. 


II   noun  ,  pl   holds
  1 : the act of holding or gripping something
   [  count  ]
    — usually singular
    He had/kept a tight hold on the rope.
    He loosened/tightened his hold on the handle.
   [  noncount  ] He took hold of the rope. [=he took the rope and held it]
    She grabbed hold of his arm. [=she grabbed his arm]
    — often used figuratively
    The idea of being an actress first took/grabbed hold of her when she was in college. [=she first became excited by the idea when she was in college]
    Jealousy took hold of him. [=he began to feel very jealous]
  2 [  count  ] : a way of holding your opponent in wrestling
   The wrestler applied an illegal hold.
  — see also choke hold, stranglehold
  3 [  singular  ]
  3 a : power that is used to control something or someone
   [  noncount  ] His ideas have lost their hold on/over the public. [=the public is no longer interested in his ideas]
    The law has no hold over her.
    He is trying to tighten his hold on the company's finances. [=to gain greater control of the company's finances]
    He has a hold on her. [=he has power over her; he controls her]
  3 b : an understanding of something
  — usually + on
   It's hard to get a hold on the cause of these problems.
  4 [  count  ] : something that can be held or stepped on for support while you are climbing
   She searched for holds in the rock.
  — see also foothold, handhold, toehold
  5 [  singular  ] : an order that something is to be kept for a particular person or time
   I asked the library to put a hold on the book for me. [=to hold the book for me]
  6 [  count  ] : an area on a ship or airplane where cargo is stored
  cop hold of — see cop, 2
  get hold of ( or chiefly US   get a hold of)
   1 : to get possession of (something) : to succeed in getting (something)
    Somehow she managed to get hold of the band's new album before it came out.
    Where did you get hold of that idea? [=what led you to believe that idea?]
   2 : to find and talk to (someone) : to contact (someone)
    I need to talk to my lawyer, but I haven't been able to get hold of him.
    I've been trying to get a hold of [=get in touch with] my lawyer for days.
   3 get hold of yourself  or chiefly US   get a hold of yourself : to get control of your thoughts and emotions and stop behaving in a foolish or uncontrolled way
    Get a hold of yourself and tell me what happened.
  lay hold of
   1 : to take and hold (something) : grab
    Lay hold of that rope and pull.
   2 : to understand (something)
    The idea is difficult to lay hold of.
  no holds barred
   ◇ If there are no holds barred, there are no limits or rules for what can and cannot be done in a particular situation. — see also no-holds-barred
  on hold
   1 : in the state of waiting to speak to someone on the telephone
    The person I wanted to speak to wasn't available, so the operator put my call on hold.
    They kept me on hold for hours!
   2 : in the state of being delayed for a time
    Our vacation plans are on hold. = Our vacation plans have been put on hold.
  take hold ( or chiefly US   take a hold)
   : to become effective, established, or popular
    The change in the law has not yet taken hold.
    new ideas that have recently taken hold in the fashion industry 

英语词汇 hold 名词 惯用搭配 on hold
