
时间: 2022-03-16 01:25:12 人气: 33 评论: 1

over有这么几个词性,介词,形容词,副词,甚至偶尔还可以做名词。仔细体会over做为介词/形容词/副词的时候,有一种动态感,表示从一个边界跨到另一个状态,接近于across,比如下面的介词第三条,还有4, 5, 6条;还有副词里的用法,也能体现动态感,请查对下面的内容。

over¹ / ˈovə ; ˈəʊvə /
1. ABOVE 在上方, above or higher than something, without touching it
【OPP】 under
 »A lamp hung over the table.
 »She leaned over the desk to answer the phone.
 »The sign over the door said 'Mind your head'.
 »We watched a helicopter flying low over the harbour.
2. COVERING 覆盖着, on something or covering it
在… 上面; 盖在…上面;
【OPP】 under
 »Over the body lay a thin white sheet.
 »She wore a large jacket over her sweater.
 »Mind you don't spill coffee over my best tablecloth.
3. ACROSS 穿越, from one side of something to the other side of it
 »Somehow the sheep had jumped over the fence.
 »The road over the mountains is steep and dangerous.
 »a bridge over the River Thames
 »Their house has a magnificent view over the bay.
4. ON THE OTHER SIDE 在另一边, on the opposite side of something from where you already are
 »There's a bus stop just over the road.
 »They live over the river in Richmond.
5. DOWN FROM STH 从某物掉下来, down from the edge of something
 »The car plunged over a cliff.
6. IN MANY PARTS OF STH 到处; 各处, in or to many parts of a particular place, organization, or thing
 »He used to wander over the moors, losing all track of time.
 »all over (sth) ( = in every part )
 »They said they had cleaned up but there were bottles all over the place.
 »Scientists from all over the world gather here.
7. NO LONGER AFFECTED 不再有影响的, if you are over an illness or a bad experience or situation, you are no longer affected by it
--› recover :
 »I think we're over the worst of the crisis now.
 »He had a fever last night, but he seems to be over it now.
 »Sybil has never got over the shock of her mother's death.
 »I'm over him now (=I am no longer in love with him) .
8. MORE THAN 超出, more than a particular number, amount, or level
【OPP】 under
 »The Japanese were producing over 100 million tons of steel.
  日本的钢产量超过了 1 亿吨。
 »toys suitable for children over the age of three
  适合 3 岁以上儿童的玩具
 »drivers who go over the speed limit
 »the over-30s / 50s etc (=people who are more than a particular age) 30 岁 / 50 岁等以上者
 »a social club for the over-60s
  为 60 岁以上人士设立的联谊俱乐部
9. DURING 在…期间, during
 »Will you be home over the summer vacation?
 »Over a period of ten years he stole a million pounds from the company.
  他在 10 年间从公司偷走了100 万英镑。
 »Can we talk about this over dinner?
--› see box at SINCE
10. CONCERNING 关于, about a particular subject, person or thing
 »He's having problems over his income tax.
 »a row over public expenditure
 »There is concern over the bad image of the legal profession.
11. CONTROLLING 控制, in control of or influencing someone or something
 »He ruled over an empire that stretched from Europe across to Asia.
 »She had great personal influence and power over her followers.
12. BETTER 更好, used to say that someone or something is more successful or better than someone or something else
 »Ipswich's 3-1 win over Manchester City
  伊普斯威奇队对曼彻斯特城队 3 比 1 的胜利
 »Can Labour maintain its lead over the Conservatives?
 »It has one great advantage over its rivals.
13. BY TELEPHONE / RADIO 通过电话/收音机, using something such as a telephone or radio
 »I don't want to talk about this over the telephone.
 »I heard the news over the radio.
14. over and above, in addition to something
 »He gets a travel allowance over and above his existing salary.
15. LOUDER THAN STH 比某物更响, making a sound louder than another sound
 »'What?' he yelled over the noise of the engine and the wind.
16. PREFERRING 更喜欢, if you choose one thing over another, you choose that thing rather than the other
 »What is your main reason for choosing one restaurant over another?

adv, adj
1. FALLING DOWN 摔倒, from an upright position into a position of lying on a surface
 »He was so drunk he fell over in the road.
 »Mind you don't knock the candle over.
 »Engineers are working to prevent the tower from toppling over.
2. BENDING / FOLDING 弯/折, so that someone or something is no longer straight or flat, but is bent or folded in the middle
弯下(的); 折起来(的):
 »As Sheila bent over, a sudden pain shot up her back.
 »He folded the paper over and put it in his pocket.
3. ACROSS 穿越
a. from one side of an object, space, or area to the other side
 »There are only three canoes so some people will have to swim over.
 »The wall was crumbling where children had climbed over.
 »I went over (=crossed the room, street etc) to say hello, but Vincent didn't recognize me.
[+ to ]
 »We flew over to the US to visit my Aunt Polly.
[+ from ]
 »One of my cousins is coming over from France with his wife and daughter.
 »Come over here and see what I've found.
b. in a place that is on the other side of a space or area
 »Bill lives over on the other side of town.
 »She was standing over by the window.
 »Do you see that building over there ?
4. IN OR TO A PLACE 在或到某处, in or to a particular house, city etc
在〔某处〕; 到〔某处〕:
 »You really should come over and see our new house.
 »I spent the whole day over at Gabby's place.
 »We could drive over to Oxford this afternoon.
5. FINISHED 结束的, if an event or period of time is over, it has finished
 »Is the meeting over yet?
 »over (and done) with (=used about something unpleasant)〔指令人不快的事〕结束了
 »I'm so glad the mid-term exams are over and done with.
 »You'd better give them the bad news. Do it now – get it over with.
  你最好把这个坏消息告诉他们。 现在就去,把这件事情结束掉。
6. TO THE SIDE 向一边, towards one side
 »The bus pulled over to the side of the road.
 »Would you move over, so I can sit next to you.
7. GIVING 交出, from one person or group to another
 »The attacker was ordered to hand over his weapon.
 »Most of the money has been signed over to his children.
8. CHANGING 改换; 转换, from one position or system to another
 »The guards change over at midnight.
 »We switched over from electricity to gas because it was cheaper.
9. TURNING 转,翻, so that the bottom or the other side of something can now be seen
 »Turn the box over and open it at that end.
 »Josh rolled over and went back to sleep.
10. MORE THAN 多于, more than or higher than a particular number, amount, or level
更多; 更高; …以上;
【OPP】 under


英语词汇 over 介词 形容词 副词


10. MORE THAN 多于, more than or higher than a particular number, amount, or level • 更多; 更高; …以上; 【OPP】 under »Almost 40% of women are size 14 or over . 差不多有 40% 的女性的服装尺码是 14 码或 14 码以上。 »People earning £33,000 and over will pay the higher rate of tax. 收入 33000 英镑或以上者要支付更高的税款。 11. VERY / TOO 很/太, used before an adjective or adverb to mean 'very' or 'too' • 很; 太: »She didn't seem over pleased when I asked her to wait. 我叫她等一下,她好像不大高兴。 »Perhaps we were all over enthusiastic about the project. 也许我们对此项目太过热情了。

2022-03-16 01:30:45