英语单词联想学习 stall联想到车辆熄火拖延住

时间: 2022-12-11 01:13:55 人气: 17 评论: 0

我们学习英语单词的时候, 要尽量发挥联想。现在我们联想一个单词:stall。stall的名词解释: "货摊,摊位,售货亭牲畜棚;马廐;牛棚(房间内的)小隔间,淋浴室,洗手间 (车辆发动机的)熄火;(车辆的)抛锚",到它的动词用法,“ (车辆发动机的)熄火;(车辆的)抛锚故意拖延(以赢得时间)”, 有没有一种联想,可以关联这些意思呢?请同学们自己去观察,联想。这里只提供思路,尽量启发同学们的英语思维,不能机械地去记单词的表面意义,一定要有这个单词的“全局观”, 整体意义,可以不可以概括出一个简单的概念出来?然后观察其各个意思之间,有没有一种关联。

这个单词的学习,给一个比较常见的例子,The owner stalled him until the police arrived. 请同学们自己翻译出来。



 /ˈstɑːl/  noun  ,  pl   stalls
  1 [  count  ] : a small open counter or partially enclosed structure where things are displayed for sale
   food stalls
   a souvenir stall
   a market stall
   She set up a stall selling jewelry in the marketplace.
  2 [  count  ] : an enclosed area in a building where a farm animal (such as a horse or cow) is kept
   She cleaned the horses' stalls.
  3 [  count  ] : a seat in a church that is wholly or partly enclosed
   choir stalls
  4 [  count  ] chiefly US : a small, enclosed area with room for one person in a bathroom
   shower stalls
  especially : a small, enclosed area with a toilet
   All the (bathroom) stalls were occupied.
  5 the stalls Brit : the seats on the main level of a theater in front of the stage
   Our tickets are for seats in the stalls. [=(US) the orchestra]
 — compare stall, 3
  verb  , stalls, stalled, stall·ing
  1 of an engine : to stop suddenly because of a problem
   [  no obj  ] The engine suddenly stalled.
   [  + obj  ] Stopping too quickly can stall the engine.
  2 of an airplane : to stop flying suddenly and begin to fall because the wings cannot produce enough lift
   [  no obj  ] The airspeed got very low and the plane nearly stalled.
   [  + obj  ] The pilot almost stalled the airplane.
  3 [  + obj  ] : to put or keep (an animal) in a stall
   They stalled the horses for the night.
 — compare stall, 4
  noun   [  singular  ]
  : a situation in which an engine suddenly stops or an airplane suddenly stops flying
   an engine stall
   The airplane went into a stall.
 — compare stall, 1
  verb  , stalls, stalled, stalling
  1 : to avoid doing something or to delay someone in a deliberate way because you need more time, do not want to do something, etc.
   [  no obj  ] Please stop stalling and answer the question.
   [  + obj  ] Try to stall them until I get the place cleaned up.
  2 : to stop progressing or developing
   [  no obj  ] The economic recovery has stalled.
    His career has stalled in recent years.
   [  + obj  ] Budget problems have stalled the project.
 — compare stall, 2 


stall¹ / stɔl ; stɔːl /
1. [C] a table or a small shop with an open front, especially outdoors, where goods are sold
• 〔尤指户外的〕货摊,摊位:
 »a market stall
2. [C] an enclosed area in a building for an animal such as a horse or cow
• 畜栏,畜棚; 马 ; 牛棚
3. [C usually singular] if a plane goes into a stall, its engine stops working
• 〔飞机引擎的〕停止运转,熄火
4. [C usually plural] a seat in a row of fixed seats for priests and singers in some larger churches
• 〔一些大教堂中的〕牧师和唱诗班座位:
 »choir stalls
5. bathroom / toilet / shower stall, a small enclosed private area for washing or using the toilet
• 浴室/厕所间/淋浴间
6. the stalls, [BrE] the seats on the main level of a theatre or cinema
• 〔戏院或电影院的〕正厅座位:
 »a good seat in the front row of the stalls

1. [I,T] if an engine or vehicle stalls, or if you stall it, it stops because there is not enough power or speed to keep it going
• (使)〔引擎或交通工具〕停止运转,熄火:
 »The car kept stalling.
 »An inexperienced pilot may easily stall a plane.
2. [I] [informal] to deliberately delay because you are not ready to do something, answer questions etc
• 故意拖延:
 »Quit stalling and answer my question!
 »He was just stalling for time .
3. [T] [informal] to make someone wait or stop something from happening until you are ready
• 拖住; 拖延:
 »Maybe we can stall the sale until the prices go up.
 »We've got to stall him somehow.
4. [I] to stop making progress or developing
• 停顿,搁置:
 »The peace process remained stalled.
 »While his career has stalled, hers has taken off.

stall / stɔːl / noun1. [C] a table or small shop with an open front that people sell things from, especially at a market
   SYN  stand
   a market stall
see also bookstall
2. [C] a section inside a farm building that is large enough for one animal to be kept in
3. [C] (especially NAmE) a small area in a room, surrounded by glass, walls, etc., that contains a shower or toilet
4. the stalls (also the 'orchestra stalls) (both BrE) [pl.] (NAmE the orchestra [sing.]) the seats that are nearest to the stage in a theatre
   the front row of the stalls
5. [C, usually pl.] the seats at the front of a church where the choir (= singers) and priests sit
6. [C, usually sing.] a situation in which a vehicle's engine suddenly stops because it is not getting enough power
7. [C, usually sing.] a situation in which an aircraft loses speed and goes steeply downwards
   (飞机的)失速verb1. (of a vehicle or an engine 车辆或发动机) to stop suddenly because of a lack of power or speed; to make a vehicle or engine do this
   The car stalled and refused to start again.
   I stalled the car three times during my driving test.
2. [V] ~ (on / over sth) to try to avoid doing sth or answering a question so that you have more time
   They are still stalling on the deal.
   'What do you mean?' she asked, stalling for time.
3. [VN] to make sb wait so that you have more time to do sth
   See if you can stall her while I finish searching her office.
4. to stop sth from happening until a later date; to stop making progress
   attempts to revive the stalled peace plan
   Discussions have once again stalled.



词汇联想 英语单词 车辆熄火 拖延 地道英语
