
时间: 2022-12-10 23:54:44 人气: 32 评论: 0

咱们学员们,在词汇学习英语单词的时候, 一定要发挥联想。现在我们联想一个单词:slot。 "给谁安排一个活动,给谁一个机会,给你加塞下",怎么说英语说才地道呢?当然很多个说法,这里用到单词:slot, 这个单词我们靠联想, 很有意思的联想,帮学员们建立形象的联系。请想象下,为什么“狭缝,狭孔,一个投币口的插口,或者手机的卡槽(都可以是slot)”,我们应该联想到变成了“一段时间”,或者“插入,安排一些活动”,是不是很有道理呢?

这个单词的学习,尤其是要注意动词搭配,slot together,和 slot in, 这样才能说出或者写出地道的英语。



slot¹ / slɑt ; slɔt /
noun [C]
1. a long narrow hole in a surface, that you can put something into
• 〔可放进东西的〕狭孔,狭缝:
 »Alan dropped another quarter into the slot on the pay phone.
2. a short period of time allowed for one particular event on a programme or TIMETABLE
• 〔节目或时间表里的〕一段时间:
 »a ten-minute slot on the breakfast show
 »landing slots at Heathrow Airport
 »A new comedy is scheduled for the 9 p.m. time slot .

verb slotted, slotting [I,T always + adv / prep]
1. to go into a slot, or to put something in a slot
• (把…)插进窄孔(狭缝):
 »slot sth into sth
 »Mary slotted a cassette into the VCR.
▪ [+ into ]
 »Each length of board slots easily into the next.
 »All the wood parts come pre-cut so that they can be slotted together (=put together using slots) .


slot in
[BrE informal] to fit something or someone into a plan, organization etc, or to fit in
• 安排,安置; 适应:
 »Stewart has slotted in well.
slot sb / sth ∽in
 »We should be able to slot the meeting in before lunch.

 /ˈslɑːt/  noun  ,  pl   slots [  count  ]
  1 : a long, thin opening
   a box with a slot in the top
   He put three quarters into the machine's (coin) slot.
  2 a : a period of time that is available or used for a particular occurrence, event, etc.
   The doctor has an open slot at 2 p.m.
   The network moved my favorite TV show to a different time slot.
  2 b : a place or position in an organization, group, etc.
   They offered him a regular slot on the newspaper's editorial page.
   We need someone to fill an open slot in the marketing department.
  3 US : slot machine
  — usually plural
   He likes to play the slots.
  verb  , slots, slot·ted, slot·ting
  1 [  + obj  ] : to put (something) into a space which is made for it
   He slotted the piece of wood into the groove.
  2 [  no obj  ] : to fit easily into something
   Her ideas slot neatly into the theory.
  slot in [  phrasal verb  ]
   slot (someone or something) in informal : to find a place for (someone or something) in a schedule, plan, etc.
    I can slot you in at 2 p.m. 

slot / slɔt; NAmE slɑːt / noun1. a long narrow opening, into which you put or fit sth
   to put some coins in the slot
2. a position, a time or an opportunity for sb / sth, for example in a list, a programme of events or a series of broadcasts
   He has a regular slot on the late-night programme.
   Their album has occupied the Number One slot for the past six weeks.
   the airport's take-off and landing slots
   机场的起飞降落时间表 verb (-tt-) [+adv. / prep.]
    to put sth into a space that is available or designed for it; to fit into such a space
   He slotted a cassette into the VCR.
   The bed comes in sections which can be quickly slotted together.
   The dishwasher slots neatly between the cupboards.
see place n.
ˌslot sb / sth ↔ 'in
   to manage to find a position, a time or an opportunity for sb / sth
   I can slot you in between 3 and 4.
   我可以把你插到第 3 和第 4 之间。
   We slotted in some extra lessons before the exam.

词汇联想 英语单词 组装 安排 地道英语
