词汇学习 英语单词 rove 联想"流窜,(眼神)肆意看别人" 怎么说地道英语

时间: 2022-12-09 23:02:23 人气: 12 评论: 0

同学们在英语单词的学习过程中, 一定要善于发挥联想。人们常说,想象能力,是人具有智力的主要表现之一。比如,咱们今天说一个概念, “到处流窜”,“用眼神放肆的打量别人,眼睛贪婪地扫来扫去”, 我们要表达这个概念,有很多个英语说法,怎么说地道英语说才地道呢?在很多种说法当中,这里介绍个单词:rove,这个单词靠 很有意思的联想,帮学员们建立形象的联系。当然这个单词的同义词也要掌握, rove同义词:drift, gad, gallivant, meander, peregrinate, ramble, range, roam, stray, traipse, wander. 


rove / rəuv; NAmE rouv / verb1. (formal) to travel from six place to another, often with no particular purpose
   SYN  roam
   [V +adv. / prep.]
   A quarter of a million refugees roved around the country.
   bands of thieves who roved the countryside
2. [V , usually +adv. / prep.] if sb's eyes rove, the person keeps looking in different directions


rove / rov ; rəʊv /
1. [I,T] [written] to travel from one place to another
• 漫游,流浪;
【SYN】 roam
 »a salesman roving the country
2. roving reporter, someone who works for a newspaper or television company and moves from place to place
• 流动记者
3. [I] if someone's eyes rove, they look continuously from one part of something to another
• 扫视:
▪ [+ over / around ]
 »Benedict's eyes roved boldly over her sleeping body.
4. have a roving eye, [old-fashioned] to always be looking for a chance to have romantic relationships – often used humorously
• 时刻寻找艳遇,好色〔常为幽默用法〕 

 /ˈroʊv/  verb  , roves, roved, rov·ing
   literary   : to go to different places without having a particular purpose or plan
   [  no obj  ] We roved [=roamed, wandered] around town/Europe.
   [  + obj  ] They roved [=roamed, wandered] the streets of the village.
    His eyes roved the room [=he looked around the room] in search of her. 


Etymology: Middle English roof
past of rive
II. \ˈrōv\ noun
Etymology: Middle English rewe, rufe, rove, from Old Norse
1. or roove \ˈrüv\ : burr 3 b
2. : the bight of a rope sling that receives the hook
III. verb
Etymology: Middle English roven
intransitive verb
1. : to shoot at rovers in archery
 a. : to move aimlessly : roam, stray
  < criminals … roving about freely without either arrest or custodial restraint — H.E.Barnes >
  < members … roved restlessly from one committee meeting to another — Allan Nevins >
 b. : to follow a random course : ramble, wander
  < at first he did not follow her, his thoughts had roved so far — Ellen Glasgow >
  < feebly his glance roved over the figures by the bed — Mary Austin >
3. obsolete
 a. : to deviate from the point
  < from that mark how far they rove — John Milton >
 b. : to take random aim
 c. : guess
4. archaic : to troll with live bait
 < rove for a perch with a minnow — Izaak Walton >
5. dialect Britain : to be light-headed or delirious : rave
transitive verb
: to traverse aimlessly : wander through or over : roam
 < permit their progeny … to rove the forest — S.H.Adams >
 < letting her eyes rove the room as if she were planning … its decoration — Jean Stafford >
 < saw the searchlights roving the sky — Howard Hunt >
IV. noun
: an act or instance of wandering
 < a sidelong rove of the eye — A.L.Kroeber >
V. noun
Etymology: modification of Spanish & Portuguese arroba
obsolete : arroba
past of reeve
VII. \ˈrōv\ transitive verb
Etymology: origin unknown
: to join (textile fibers) with a slight twist and draw out into roving
VIII. noun
Etymology: origin unknown
: roving III 1 


词汇联想 英语单词 流窜 眼神打量 地道英语
