词汇学习英语单词 "同时做几个事情"怎么说地道英语 单词juggle联想

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词汇学习英语单词, 一定要发挥联想,联想,或者想象能力,是人最伟大的智慧之一。 "同时做几个事情",怎么说地道英语说才地道呢?当然很多个说法,这里介绍个单词:juggle, 这个单词靠联想, 很有意思的联想,帮学员们建立形象的联系。请想象下,为什么“同时向空中抛接多个物体”,变成了“同时吃力的做几个是事情”,是不是很有道理呢?

jug·gle / ˈdʒʌgl / verb1. ~ (with sth) to throw a set of three or more objects such as balls into the air and catch and throw them again quickly, one at a time
   to juggle with balls
   My uncle taught me to juggle.
  (figurative) I was juggling books, shopping bags and the baby (= I was trying to hold them all without dropping them).
2. ~ sth (with sth) to try to deal with two or more important jobs or activities at the same time so that you can fit all of them into your life
   Working mothers are used to juggling their jobs, their children's needs and their housework.
   [also V]
3. [VN] to organize information, figures, the money you spend, etc. in the most useful or effective way

 /ˈʤʌgəl/  verb  , jug·gles, jug·gled, jug·gling
  1 : to keep several objects in motion in the air at the same time by repeatedly throwing and catching them
   [  no obj  ] He is learning to juggle.
   [  + obj  ] He juggled four balls at once.
  2 [  + obj  ] : to do (several things) at the same time
   She somehow manages to juggle a dozen tasks at once.
   It can be hard to juggle family responsibilities and/with the demands of a full-time job.
  — see also juggling act at act, 1
  3 [  + obj  ] : to make changes to (something) in order to achieve a desired result
   I'll have to juggle my schedule a bit to get this all to work out.
  jug·gler /ˈʤʌglɚ/  noun  ,  pl   -glers [  count  ]
   a juggler at the circus 


juggle / ˈdʒʌgl ; ˈdʒʌgəl /
1. [I,T] to keep three or more objects moving through the air by throwing and catching them very quickly
• (用…)玩杂耍〔同时抛接数件物品〕:
▪ [+ with ]
 »One guy was juggling with five balls.
2. [I,T] to try to fit two or more jobs, activities etc into your life, especially with difficulty
• 〔尤指吃力地〕同时应付(几份工作、多项活动等):
 »juggle sth (with sth)
 »It's hard trying to juggle a job with kids and the housework.
3. [T] to change things or arrange them in the way you want, or in a way that makes it possible for you to do something
• 改动; 重新安排:
 »juggle sth around
 »If I juggle these appointments around, I can fit you in.
--› see balancing / juggling act at ACT ¹ (12) 

词汇 联想英语 吃力做几个事情 单词联想 生活英语
