
时间: 2022-12-03 20:52:09 人气: 6 评论: 0


scrape / skreip / verbREMOVE 除去
1. to remove sth from a surface by moving sth sharp and hard like a knife across it
   [VN , usually +adv. / prep.]
   She scraped the mud off her boots.
   The kids had scraped their plates clean.
2. [VN , usually +adv. / prep.] to rub sth by accident so that it gets damaged or hurt
   I scraped the side of my car on the wall.
   Sorry, I've scraped some paint off the car.
   She fell and scraped her knee.
   The wire had scraped the skin from her fingers.
3. [usually +adv. / prep.] to make an unpleasant noise by rubbing against a hard surface; to make sth do this
   I could hear his pen scraping across the paper.
   We could hear her scraping away at the violin.
   Don't scrape your chairs on the floor.
4. to manage to win or to get sth with difficulty
   The team scraped a narrow victory last year.
   (BrE) I just scraped a pass in the exam.
   They scraped a living by playing music on the streets.
   The government scraped home (= just won) by three votes.
5. [VN] ~ sth (out) to make a hole or hollow place in the ground
   He found a suitable place, scraped a hole and buried the bag in it.
6. [VN] ~ your hair back to pull your hair tightly back, away from your face
   Her hair was scraped back from her face in a ponytail.
scrape (the bottom of) the 'barrel    (disapproving) to have to use whatever things or people you can get, because there is not much choice available
more at bow ¹ v.
ˌscrape 'by (on sth)
   to manage to live on the money you have, but with difficulty
   I can just scrape by on what my parents give me.
ˌscrape 'in | ˌscrape 'into sth
   to manage to get a job, a position, a place at college, etc., but with difficulty
   He scraped in with 180 votes.
   他以 180 票勉强当选。
   Our team just scraped into the semi-finals.
ˌscrape sth ↔ 'out
   to remove sth from inside sth else, using sth sharp or hard like a knife
   Scrape out the flesh of the melon with a spoon.
ˌscrape 'through | ˌscrape 'through sth
   to succeed in doing sth with difficulty, especially in passing an exam
   I might scrape through the exam if I'm lucky.
ˌscrape sth ↔ to'gether / 'up
   to obtain or collect together sth, but with difficulty
   We managed to scrape together eight volunteers.
   我们好不容易凑齐八名志愿者。 nounACTION / SOUND 动作;声音
1. [sing.] the action or unpleasant sound of one thing rubbing roughly against another
   the scrape of iron on stone
2. [C] an injury or a mark caused by rubbing against sth rough
   She emerged from the overturned car with only a few scrapes and bruises.
3. [C] (old-fashioned) a difficult situation that you have caused yourself
   He was always getting into scrapes as a boy.


scrape¹ / skrep ; skreɪp /
1. [T] to remove something from a surface using the edge of a knife, a stick etc
• 〔用小刀等〕刮除:
 »Scrape the carrots and slice them thinly.
 »scrape sth away / off
 »The earth was scraped away to uncover a trap door.
 »scrape sth off / into etc sth
 »Teresa scraped the mud off her boots.
 »The two of them scraped their dishes clean .
--› see picture on page A3
2. [I,T always + adv / prep] to rub against a rough surface in a way that causes slight damage or injury, or to make something do this
• (使)摩擦,擦伤; 刮坏;
--› graze :
 »The coat was too long; the hem scraped the pavement.
▪ [+ against / on etc ]
 »I heard the side of the car scrape against the wall.
 »scrape sth against / on sth
 »I scraped my knee painfully on the concrete.
3. [I,T] to make a noise by rubbing roughly against a surface
• (使)发出刺耳的刮擦声:
 »Chairs scraped loudly as they stood up.
 »scrape (sth) on / down / against sth
 »He opened the gate quietly, trying not to let it scrape on the gravel.
4. scrape home, [especially BrE] to win a race, election, or competition by a very small amount
• 〔在赛跑、选举、竞赛中〕险胜:
 »The Tories may scrape home, but it's unlikely.
5. scrape (the bottom of) the barrel, [informal] to have to use something even though it is not very good, because there is nothing better available
• 将就,凑合:
 »It was clear that the party was scraping the barrel for competent politicians.
--› see bow and scrape at BOW ¹ (5)
--› see scrape / scratch a living at LIVING ² (1)


scrape sth∽back
• if you scrape your hair back, you pull it away from your face and tie it at the back
• 把〔头发〕拢在后面:
 »Her blonde hair was scraped back into a ponytail.
scrape by
1. to have just enough money to live
• 勉强维持生活,勉强糊口:
 »We can scrape by, thanks to what we grow ourselves.
2. to only just succeed in passing an examination or dealing with a difficult situation
• 勉强通过(考试); 勉强克服(困难)
scrape in
• to only just succeed in getting a job, a place at university, a position in government etc
• 勉强通过(考试); 勉强获得(一份工作、一个大学或政府职位等):
 »Labour scraped in by a small majority.
 »He just scraped into college.
 »scrape through (sth)phr v
1. to only just succeed in passing an examination or dealing with a difficult situation
• 勉强通过〔考试〕; 勉强应付〔困境〕:
 »I managed to scrape through the exam.
scrape sth∽together / up
• to get enough money for a particular purpose, when this is difficult
• 〔为某目的〕勉强筹集,凑足〔钱款〕:
 »She scraped together the last of her savings.
 »They could hardly scrape up enough money for the train fare.

1. [C] a mark or slight injury caused by rubbing against a rough surface
• 擦伤,擦痕;
【SYN】 graze
 »I came away from the accident with only cuts and scrapes.
2. [C] [informal] a situation in which you are in trouble or have difficulties
• 困境,窘境; 麻烦:
 »He got into all sorts of scrapes as a boy.
3. [sing.] the noise made when one surface rubs roughly against another
• 刮擦声:
▪ [+ of ]
 »He heard the scrape of chairs being dragged across the floor.

scrape verb

ADVERB carefully, gently She carefully ~d away the top layer of paint. | away, back, off I ~d the dirt off.

PREPOSITION against He ~d the car against the garage wall. | along Patrick lifted the gate to prevent it from scraping along the ground. | on I ~d my elbow on the wall as I went past. | with I ~d the carrots with a knife.

PHRASES ~ sth clean The wood had been ~d clean.

Scrape is used with these nouns as the subject: chair, fingernail, nail
Scrape is used with these nouns as the object: dirt, knee, knuckle, living, pass, windscreen

词汇 英语 联想 刮蹭 汽车英语单词
