英语单词emerge可以构成一个常用的句型 主语从句 it emerged that +从句

时间: 2022-03-17 05:55:11 人气: 33 评论: 1

学习英语的学员们知道,emerge的基本意思是“出现,浮现”, 比如,gradually +emerge 逐渐显露, quickly + emerge 很快显露,eventually/ultimately +emerge
最终显露,等等。其实emerge还可以构成常用的一个英语句型:主语从句的句型。That引导的主语从句放在后面,前面用it + emerge的形式,其中it就是代表后面的that从句。这个句型在记叙类的英语文本中,经常出现。表示某个事实已经清楚了,被大家知晓了。

比如:It subsequently emerged that he had known about the deal all along. 随后的情况显示他一直都知道这件事情。


emerge / ɪˈmɚdʒ ; ɪˈmɜːdʒ /
verb [I]
1. to appear or come out from somewhere
• 浮现,出现:
 »The flowers emerge in the spring.
▪ [+ from ]
 »The sun emerged from behind the clouds.
2. if facts emerge, they become known after being hidden or secret
• 〔事实〕显露,暴露; come out:
 »Eventually the truth emerged.
   真相终于大白。 Later it emerged that the judge had employed an illegal immigrant. 后来情况明朗了,那个法官雇用了一名非法移民。
3. to come out of a difficult experience
• 〔从困境中〕摆脱出来,出头:
▪ [+ from ]
 »She emerged from the divorce a stronger person.
4. to begin to be known or noticed
• 开始被人所知; 兴起:
 »a religious sect that emerged in the 1830s
  于 19 世纪 30 年代兴起的一个宗教派别
▪ [+ as ]
 »Local government has recently emerged as a major issue.

emerge / iˈməːdʒ; NAmE iˈməːrdʒ / verb1. [V] ~ (from sth) to come out of a dark, confined or hidden place
   The swimmer emerged from the lake.
   She finally emerged from her room at noon.
   We emerged into bright sunlight.
2. (of facts, ideas, etc. 事实、意见等) to become known
   SYN  transpire :
   No new evidence emerged during the investigation.
   [V that]
    It emerged that the company was going to be sold.
3. [V] ~ (as sth) to start to exist; to appear or become known
   After the elections opposition groups began to emerge.
   He emerged as a key figure in the campaign
   the emerging markets of South Asia
4. [V] ~ (from sth) to survive a difficult situation or experience
   She emerged from the scandal with her reputation intact.
emer·gence / -dʒəns / noun [U] :
   the island's emergence from the sea 3 000 years ago
   3 000 年前这个岛从大海中露出
   the emergence of new technologies

英语动词 出现 句型 事实清楚 emerge


这种主语从句,表达方法很多,其实一个非常接近于这个用法,就是transpire(泄露,揭露,被人所知),这个词,相对比较正式, 比如: It transpired that the gang had had a contact inside the bank. 据报这伙歹徒在银行里有内应。 It now transpires that he kept all the money for himself. 现已清楚,他把所有的钱都据为己有了。

2022-03-17 08:02:37